Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Beautiful Breeze

Beautiful Breeze

      A gentle breeze was caressing the flower petals of every color and creating small ripples across the clear blue water. As the breeze swept through the air it whispered through the trees. It carried dandelion seeds in its arms and sprinkled them through the fields. It combed its fingers through the tall blades of grass. As night fell, the breeze fell into a soft, warm drift and lay down to sleep.
Delaney, Gr. 5


Monday, April 7, 2014

April Book Club - A Big Success!

Gr. 5, 6 & 7 students joined me for a long recess of snacks and discussion in this months book club.

Running Dream by Wendelin van Draanen was our April book club chosen book.  Due to the popularity of this book we had to postpone book club a few weeks to ensure all students who wanted to, could read it.  Book Club was worth the wait.  The students loved the book!  We had great character discussions about Jessica, Rosa, Fiona and Gavin. Students felt Jessica's story was portrayed realistically with some set backs and triumphs.  We talked about Jessica's strength and determination, along with her frustration.  The discussion was lead by the students and boy did they have some great insights.  One discussion was around the important role Jessica's dad played when taking away the pain killers. Students spoke of how easily she could have become addicted to the pain killers and by taking them away, her dad was helping her.  One student mentioned that she probably had to go through pain in order to heal.

Students really liked Gavin as he was genuine and honest to Jessica about his feelings.  Rosie was also a favourite among students as was Jess' supportive friend Fiona.  One thing that hit a cord with students was when _______ mom sat with Jessica at the track meet and apologized at first for her daughter and then (paraphrasing) "no I apologize for myself for raising her that way".  This admission really resonated with the book clubers, feeling it was the right and brave thing for that mother to do. 

All and all we had a very enjoyable long recess discussing Running Dream.  The food was yummy, the discussion in-depth and the students were eager to take part.

Life as a TL doesn't get any better than that :) !

Gr. 7 Poetry

I’m a Police Officer

 I am not a Tim Horton’s donut
   I am not a German shepherd

         I am not a smooth blue

I am not a pair of handcuffs

I am not full of anger

Because actually I am a police officer

Mrs. Radcliffe

I am not an apple

I am not a barking dog

I am not a prickly green

I am not the Eiffel Tower

I am not a red pen

I am not heavy with sadness

Because actually, I`m a teacher
Mrs. Radcliffe's Gr. 7 students



I am the darkness.

I live all around you, and fill all your nightmares.

My favourite colour is black, for it represents me, all the fear in the world, the dead, the grief.

My job is to scare you, to take away hope, to engulf you in blackness, and let no light shatter my cloak.

I have no friends, but I do have a brother whom I hate with all my heart, for he is my enemy, the light.

I move with the fear, turning dreams into nightmares, and wherever there is grief, I shall be there too.

Storm clouds swirl above
Huge and intimidating
Rain starts to pelt
In the morning sunlight
Horses sprint across the land
Powerful and strong

The Auto Hairstylist
It brushes, it blow-dries, it braids, and it combs!
It stands on the counter, and is about 30 cm tall.
The base of the Auto Hairstylist looks like a metal spider, but the top of this clever machine doesn’t really have a shape, for the top is what makes all hair look nice.
The Auto Hairstylist reminds me of a hair dresser, only smaller and portable.
It moves like a spider, crawling along, and to get on the counter it hops real fast.
The Auto Hairstylist sound like a blow dryer, buzzing and blowing as hard as it can.