Thursday, May 24, 2012

Guest bloggers today Elizabeth and Shayla

Through the Eyes of a Tree

I have a place for roots in the ground.
We have a place for life in the dark.
They have a place for destruction in our land.
Our world has a place for peace in our home.
Where is your place for benevolence in our world?

Elizabeth's Poem


I have a place for art in my heart.
We have a place for creativity in our minds.
She has a place for peace in her imagination.
They have a place for originality in their community.
Our family has a place for love in artistic things.
Our world has a place for hope in all forms.
Where is your place for happiness and appreciation?

Shayla's Poem


  1. Lovely poems Shayla and Elizabeth. I enjoyed reading them. :)

  2. I really enjoyed reading your poems Shayla and Elizabeth! Keep up the wonderful creativity.
    Mr. Mazzei
