Monday, April 7, 2014

Gr. 7 Poetry

I’m a Police Officer

 I am not a Tim Horton’s donut
   I am not a German shepherd

         I am not a smooth blue

I am not a pair of handcuffs

I am not full of anger

Because actually I am a police officer

Mrs. Radcliffe

I am not an apple

I am not a barking dog

I am not a prickly green

I am not the Eiffel Tower

I am not a red pen

I am not heavy with sadness

Because actually, I`m a teacher
Mrs. Radcliffe's Gr. 7 students



I am the darkness.

I live all around you, and fill all your nightmares.

My favourite colour is black, for it represents me, all the fear in the world, the dead, the grief.

My job is to scare you, to take away hope, to engulf you in blackness, and let no light shatter my cloak.

I have no friends, but I do have a brother whom I hate with all my heart, for he is my enemy, the light.

I move with the fear, turning dreams into nightmares, and wherever there is grief, I shall be there too.

Storm clouds swirl above
Huge and intimidating
Rain starts to pelt
In the morning sunlight
Horses sprint across the land
Powerful and strong

The Auto Hairstylist
It brushes, it blow-dries, it braids, and it combs!
It stands on the counter, and is about 30 cm tall.
The base of the Auto Hairstylist looks like a metal spider, but the top of this clever machine doesn’t really have a shape, for the top is what makes all hair look nice.
The Auto Hairstylist reminds me of a hair dresser, only smaller and portable.
It moves like a spider, crawling along, and to get on the counter it hops real fast.
The Auto Hairstylist sound like a blow dryer, buzzing and blowing as hard as it can.



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